Hello Beautiful World!

Perfectly Imperfect Momma

Welcome to my blog Perfectly Imperfect Momma. My name is Brenda Cataldo and I am so happy that you are here. I am a Wife & Momma of 5 kiddos as well as a licensed Realtor, Entrepreneur and Blogger. I want to share my experiences with you on how I juggle my oftentimes hectic life while still maintaining my sanity.

I’ll give you a hint… JESUS & Coffee!

Life gets busy. Life gets messy. Sometime our kids don’t take naps and may have a meltdown as a result. Our life is not perfect. But it is Perfectly Imperfect, and we wouldn’t have it any other way!

#BrendaCataldo #PerfectlyImperfectMomma
Brenda Cataldo – Mom + Wife + Entrepreneur + Blogger + Perfectly Imperfect Momma

Stay tuned for lots of fun adventures with me and my husband Mickey and our amazing kids! We love to laugh, play outside and enjoy all that our life offers us. Plus be on the look out because we always have a fun D.I.Y project going on.


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