6 Remarkable Things I Learned When My Mom Was Sick With Cancer

6 Remarkable Things I Learned When My Mom Was Sick With Cancer

As I struggled to understand how God could have taken away my mother, a woman whose strength and determination molded my life in so many indelible ways, several things came to my mind of the many remarkable things I learned through the painful process of my mom being diagnosed with and dying 6 months later from lung cancer.


1. Many Pharmaceutical Companies Have Programs Set Up To Help Pay For Medications.

When my mom had cancer, she had an issue with blood clots. I had to give her injections every day to prevent them. 
For a while there we were ok because my mom’s Dr had given me a supply that I used to give to her. Well, the time came where we were running out and I had to get more. The Dr’s office gave me a prescription to fill at the pharmacy.  When I drove through the pharmacy pickup, the lady at the other end gave me the total…that will be $12,784.00 ….. ummmm what? I thought I heard her wrong.

Nope. She told me the total again and my heart sank! 

I excused myself from the pharmacy line thinking there has got to be some sort of mistake. In my car, I phoned my mom’s doctor’s office and spoke with the nurse and explained my situation. Wasn’t there a generic that they could prescribe I asked? The nurse told me no there is no generic for this medication and if she did not take it, she was at the risk of death from blood clots! What am I going to do I thought?

Pulled over on the side of the road, tears streaming down my face, I prayed harder than I have ever prayed before. Lord, please tell me what I need to do! Then He revealed it to me. A few years prior, my brother worked for a pharmaceutical company. I remember him mentioning how they sometimes had programs to help pay for medications. Armed with a new mission, I rushed home. I looked up the medication online and found out what company manufactured it. I then looked on the company’s website to see if they had a Patient Assistance Program. They DID!

Many pharmaceutical companies have programs set up that will help patients pay for their prescription medications! You need to search them out for yourselves. Your doctor’s office doesn’t always know about these programs. My mom’s doctor’s office didn’t.

I printed up the application and filled it out for my mom. This particular program required the doctor’s office to have a patient advocate in their office. Several phone calls later back and forth to the doctor’s office and the pharmaceutical company and one of the ladies in the office was officially a patient advocate. (The doctor’s office had no idea this program existed!) Two hours later I was standing in the pharmacy line once again because my mom’s application had been approved by the pharmaceutical company! This time instead of a $12,000+ bill, the new total was $28.00! Pretty amazing right?

Helpful Links:

American Cancer Society – Help Paying for Prescription Drugs

American Cancer Society – Programs That Help Pay for Prescription Drugs

Cancer.net – Navigating Cancer Care

Cancer Care – Sources of Financial Assistance

Needy Meds – Prescription Assistance Programs

Very Well Health – Drug Companies With Patient Assistance Programs

A Few Drug Companies That Have Patient Assistance Programs

Cancer Organizations Information Sheet

Cancer Organizations Information Sheet, Perfectly Imperfect Momma

Cancer Organizations

American Cancer Society

Be the Match (National Marrow Donor Program)


Lymphoma Research Foundation

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Patient Advocate Foundation’s Colorectal Careline

Sarcoma Alliance

2. Many People Go Through Their Cancer Battle Alone.

One day at one of my mom’s radiation treatments, her sweet nurse Ioni said to me, “Brenda your mom is so blessed to have a bulldog daughter going through this with her. So many people that we treat have no one to help them. They even have to drive themselves back and forth to their treatments!” 
The thought of those poor people battling cancer by themselves made me so sad. To think that they were fighting their cancer alone was a very sobering thought.  If you know someone that is going through a cancer battle, reach out to them. Offer to cook for them, drive them to appointments or mow their lawn. You’ll be such a blessing to their lives!

3. Always Be Thankful.

My mom’s Dr. pulled me aside and told me to get my mom’s affairs in order,  that she did not think my mom would make it through the weekend… of course I kept this to myself. I mustered up every ounce of positivity and love that I could to face my mom and family. 

My mom lived another few months. Months that we were able to spend laughing with her, crying with her, watching movies together, singing songs, talking about our days and sharing memories of favorite times together. We loved each other just a little while longer.

Every extra day we got to spend with our mom was a great blessing that God gave us!

4. My Siblings Are The Greatest Gift That My Parents Ever Gave Me!

Me and my siblings with mom. My mom Edna, my sister Jennifer Towers, my brother Patrick Towers, my brother Julius Towers & myself Brenda Cataldo
Me and my awesome siblings Jennifer, Patrick, & Julius with my even more awesome mom Edna.

Through the entire journey of my mom’s battle with cancer, God & my siblings were and continue to be my rock and my constant! I don’t even want to think about what I would do without them!

5. The Pain Never Fully Goes Away.

There will always be a piece of your heart missing. You just find either healthy or unhealthy ways to cope with the loss.

6. God Will Not Give You Any More Than You Can Handle.

My mom’s death is without a doubt the most traumatic thing that has happened in my life. After her death, I was left feeling angry and guilty. There was such an empty space in my heart. A pain so deep that I can’t explain it. It’s an ache that you only know if you have experienced it. Despite my suffering, turning to God during and after my mom’s battle with cancer gave me and to continues to give me comfort and strength. Strength that I thought wasn’t there.

All my life, my mom has always been a very faith filled woman. The one lesson that she always drilled into me was this. I can still hear her voice saying, “Bren, God will not give you any more than you can handle. But if you feel like it is more than you can handle,  put your worries into a box and give it back to God and say “God, I can’t handle this by myself. I need You. I need Your help Lord.” and Bren, God will help you. He will never give you more than you can bear.”

To Wrap Things Up

Cancer is a terrifying diagnosis no matter how you look at it. Fortunately there are many resources and many treatment options out there. I would encourage you to learn as much as you can about the type of cancer that you or a loved one are facing. Learn about what type of diet you should be eating, treatment options, side effects of medications. Also learn about different services and programs that can help with day to day life and the financial side of things.

May God bless you on your journey!

After my mom’s doctor released her from what would be her last trip to the hospital in April of 2011, my sister and I were determined to give my mom just a little more time with us. All of her doctors said that the traditional methods of chemo/radiation were not working in getting my mom better. We did not let that stop us. We decided to change the way we were thinking about things and went in a completely opposite direction, going the route of holistic treatments. This book was instrumental in giving us the direction to go! It is filled with great information on how to use natural products to improve and maintain your good health. I highly recommend it!

Teaching Your Kids About Responsibility

How To Teach Your Kids About Responsibility

Teaching Your Kids About Responsibility is one of the most important lessons that you teach them that will greatly impact both their present and future lives! A few ways that we teach our kids about responsibility is by giving them chores, creating consistent homework & personal hygiene routine and also being mindful of their words & actions.


Implementing Chores

Do you remember having to do chores as a kid? I do! I come from a fairly large family. Because I was the oldest of four kids and both of my parents worked, I was the official “manager” of my house. I was left to delegate chores, cook dinner at times and also to enforce the rules of our home. 

Which leaves me kind of puzzled at my need to sometimes (oftentimes) try to do everything myself when it comes to my own children. In my mind I rationalize it this way. If I do it myself,  it will #1 get done faster, and #2 it will get done the way that I want (the right way, haha).

Have any of you ever felt this way? 

The problem with this thinking is a 3 fold problem.

First, there are many many things that need to happen in a household to keep things running smoothly! There’s dishes, laundry, floors, dusting,  trash duties, keeping windows and mirrors clean to name a few. Second, doing all these things yourself will not teach you kids responsibility. Lastly, doing everything yourself will leave you exhausted!

The first step is to let go! 

Go into this process knowing that there will be hiccups. There will be kids that don’t want to do these chores, and moms that are questioning if this is the right decision.  Just know that at the end of this, you will be teaching your children very valuable life lessons. You will be teaching them not only how to be responsible,  but also how to take care of themselves now and in the future. 

Helpful Tips:

The best way to have success in the chore department is to make chores age appropriate. There are certain chores that everyone is responsible for such as:

  • Keeping Their Bedrooms Clean
  • Beds Made
  • Picking Up After Themselves (example: dirty clothes go in the hamper after showers)
  • Cleaning Up After Themselves (example: putting dirty dishes, utensils in the sink after dinner)

For my older son who is 17:

  • Mowing the Lawn
  • Weed Whacking
  • Pressure Washing
  • Driving Errands
  • Unloading & Loading the Dishwasher
  • Cleaning the Bathrooms

For my 10 year old:

  • Unloading & Loading the Dishwasher
  • Cleaning the Bathrooms
  • Taking Out the Trash & Putting Clean Bags in All the Trashcans
  • Vacuuming the Floors
  • Putting All Clean Folded Laundry in Everyone’s Rooms

For my 4 and 2 year old:

  • Picking Up Toys & Putting Them Where They Belong
  • Gather Dirty Clothes From All Rooms
  • Put Dirty Clothes in The Dirty Clothes Hamper
  • Put Clean Clothes in Their Dresser Drawers
  • Clean the Sliding Glass Door (now this is a chore that I will also have my older kids follow up on. Because let’s face it, toddlers doing this is not super effective, but they LOVE using the squeegee! Haha!)

You can maximize your efficiency by having everyone work together to complete all of the chores assigned.  If everyone carries a portion of the burden, things get done so much faster! It also gets your family in the mindset of working together as a team. You will be teaching your kids that together we can all accomplish more! I always tell my kids team work makes the dream work!

Creating Consistent Homework & Personal Hygiene Routines

How will teaching your kids about homework and personal hygiene help them to be more responsible? Think about it, these 2 things have a huge impact on your children’s lives. That means that they also have a huge opportunity to teach your kids a valuable lesson. Let’s face it, neither one of these are very glamorous and can be a huge sore spot for kids. No one really wants to do homework, or brush their teeth. But the fact remains that both of these need to be done regularly.

If your kids don’t do their homework, they will get bad grades in school. Not brushing, flossing or showering regularly will lead to cavities, poor health and just being generally stinky! Educating your kids on the cause and effect of these things will show them how their actions can either impact their lives for better or worse.


Set up a consistent time and place for kids to do their homework. This is important because it will get them in the habit of doing this regularly. The time is not as important as being consistent about the time to get it done. A lot of schools and teachers also have apps and programs setup online that you can track your student’s progress. I would highly suggest being involved with one of these. The better communication that you establish with your child’s teacher the better because you will be able to identify any opportunities to help your child succeed! Another method that is helpful for me and my kids is writing down all assignments and important dates down on a calendar or planner (or both). Make sure to get your kids involved with this step and teach them how to manage a planner and their time.

  • Setup consistent time & place for kids to do homework
  • Use teacher & school endorsed apps or programs to monitor performance and behavior
  • Use a planner and or calendar to track assignments & due dates

Personal Hygiene

Do you know what costs nothing to give away, but means so much to the person you are giving it to? A Smile! Think about it.. when you smile at someone, what is their natural reaction? It is to smile back! Talk about putting some good out into the world! However, if your breath is kickin’ or you have something between your teeth, you don’t really feel much like smiling. Just like with any other values you teach your kids starting from a young age, teaching them how to take care of their bodies is so important!

Personal hygiene includes things like-

  • Brushing your teeth
  • Flossing
  • Using mouth wash
  • Taking showers/baths
  • Brushing/Combing your hair
  • Keeping Fingernails/Toenails trimmed

Just like with a homework routine, getting your kids on a consistent schedule with their personal hygiene habits works the best. Taking care of their mouth & teeth should happen after every meal. We also have consistent bath time for our kids. Right before bed works out great for us. What times work best for your family?

Teaching Your Kids To Be Mindful of Their Words & Actions

This lesson could be one of the greatest that you teach your kids! Your words are very powerful. They can either build people up or tear them down! And your words are only words if you don’t act on them. For example, you can hurt someone and tell them that you are sorry, but if you keep doing the same thing over and over again to that person, your actions are showing that you are not actually sorry. Ever hear the saying ‘Actions Speak Louder Than Words’? You must both speak with kindness and thoughtfulness while also showing with your actions kindness and thoughtfulness. What choice are your kids going to make?

I always tell my kids this-

“You cannot control other people’s words or actions. The only thing that you have control over are your own actions and words.”

No matter what you do, you must realize that it was YOUR choice! If you are nasty to your brother or sister, it is your choice. Just like it is your choice to stop and help the little old lady that knocked over a bunch of shoes in the Target aisle. (This really happened..talk about proud momma moment when your kids don’t even hesitate to run over and help!)

Ephesians 4:29 (NIV) New International Version

29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

James 1:22 (NIV) New International Version

22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

One of the many things that I have learned as a mother of 21+ years is that there are so many opportunities to teach your kids. Speak to them, not at them. Show them the kindness, love and respect that you want them to display to others. Your kids will learn the things that you teach them. You must always be mindful of what it is that you are teaching.

Thank you for reading my blog. I hope that it can bless you and help you! Leave me a comment and let me know what some of your techniques are for teaching your kids about responsibility. I would love to hear them!

Here are some other posts you may like. Check them out and let me know what you think.

Creating a Family Budget & Getting Your Finances Under Control

Mom Hacks For The New And Not So New Momma

How To Start Your Own Blog in 2019

DIY How To Make a Floor Length Mirror Using a Kreg Pocket Hole Jig

Bible Scriptures on Humbleness & Humility

Bible Scriptures About Worry & Anxiety

The Devil Is a Liar! Battling Spiritual Warfare With the Word of God

If you want to learn how to create a blog like this, check out Bluehost and read my post where I walk you through step by step on How To Start a Blog.

Perfectly Imperfect Momma - Start a Blog Today - I Host My Blog On Bluehost And Why You Should Too
Perfectly Imperfect Momma – Start a Blog Today – I Host My Blog On Bluehost And Why You Should Too

Here are some awesome parenting books that I actually have on my nightstand and refer to frequently!

How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk is one of the best parenting books out there! It really breaks things down into very digestible bites and gives you great ways to implement what you learn! This book was a game-changer in helping me figure my kids out!

How to Talk so Little Kids Will Listen: A Survival Guide to Life with Children Ages 2-7How to Talk so Little Kids Will Listen: A Survival Guide to Life with Children Ages 2-7. This book is similar to the original, but tailors things to little ones. Was a great addition to the original!

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens is very well written and gives you a terrific game plan for helping your teen build a strong foundation for success!

Brenda Cataldo + Perfectly Imperfect Momma + Inspiring Mommas to Build Stronger Lives With Practical Parenting Tips and the Word of God.
Brenda Cataldo + Perfectly Imperfect Momma + Inspiring Mommas to Build Stronger Lives With Practical Parenting Tips and the Word of God.

Thanks so much for visiting my site!

Until Next Time, Let’s Be Perfectly Imperfect Together!

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Creating a Family Budget & Getting Your Finances Under Control

Get Control of Your Finances! Make a Family Budget Today! You'll be so happy when you finally do it!

Financial health is just as important as keeping your body, mind and spirit healthy. All you have to do is keep your expenses lower than the money you have coming in monthly. It sounds easy, and in fact it is easy if you can set up some basic guidelines to adhere to. “How am I supposed to do that?” you are asking yourself. By creating a Family Budget that’s how!


First Things First – Make a Family Budget

Your budget is not always going to be exact, but it gives you a benchmark of what you can expect. This will be a living, breathing document because life happens. Sometimes unexpected expenses come up, or you may have a great sales month and make more money than expected. Either way, if you have a starting point, you will be better able to gauge your success, or setback if you have a budget set in place. Also, come up with some reasons that you want to create a budget. It’s good to have motivation to know why you are doing what you are doing.

Reasons For Making a Family Budget

There are several reasons that we needed to get our finances back on track. 
1. Pay off our credit card debt 
2. Pay off medical bills
3. Save money for a new SUV or Van
4. Keep setting aside money for college for the kids
5. Save money to do some home updates & renovations
6. Pay off our mortgage sooner
7. Save money to buy more investment properties
8. Grow our savings account so we have a larger safety net

What are some reasons that you want to get a Family Budget established for your home? Are some of them the same as ours? Here are a few other reasons some of our readers have suggested. 
1. Pay off student loans
2. Get out of debt
3. Save up money for a vacation 
4. Buy new furniture & appliances
5. Pay off vehicle

Make a List of All Money Coming In

You want to list all the money that you earn. This includes any salaries, commissions, rental income, child support, social security benefits, etc.. basically any money that you can deposit into your bank account. Start by listing any and everything you can think of. Just like it will be important to list your debts, it is also important to list your money coming in. The more accurate you are, the better idea you will have of your financial health. 

Make a List of All Expenses 

Sit down and tally up all of the expenses that you have. It’s important that you write everything down! Go through your receipts, bank statements, credit card statements and any other unpaid bills to get an accurate tally. The more precise that you are the better. It may even help to keep a spending journal or calendar with you so that you get the full picture of all money that is being spent. 

Don’t Forget Periodic or Annual Expenses 

Periodic expenses such as insurance payments and dental visits can be easy to forget and leave off the list since they only come around annually or bi-annually. Don’t leave yourself scrambling to cover these expenses. Allocate a portion of each paycheck towards your “Annual Expenses Fund” that way you have it covered when the time rolls around.

Categorize Expenses 

Once you have everything written down, start organizing them into categories. The 3 basic categories that you will be able to start putting your expenses into are Fixed Expenses, Variable Expenses & Periodic Expenses. Some examples of expenses that are fixed expenses are mortgage payments, car payments, life insurance premiums.
Other expenses, like entertainment expenses, travel expenses, groceries, are Variable Expenses. While things like Dental Cleaning Payments, Home Maintenance and Auto Insurance Premiums are Periodic Expenses.

Prioritize Expenses 

After you have put all of your expenses into categories start prioritizing them. There are almost always expenses that are just completely ridiculous that you can completely cut out.

Embarrassing But True:

When my husband and I finally sat down and went through all of our yearly expenses one year, we tallied up over $2700 spent at Dunkin Donuts! Being Real Estate Agents, it had just become part of our routine to swing through the drive through after dropping the kids off to school. We would each get a cup of coffee and a sandwich then start our day. It sounds crazy to me when I think back on it! What are some things you spend money on that you can scale back?

“Once you realize you have a problem, you can take the steps necessary to remedy the situation.”

Having a budget is such a great tool for financial stability because it gives you a benchmark. You can do a tally every week or every month to see where you are doing a good job saving and also where there are opportunities to reign in your spending. If you don’t measure what you are doing, it is difficult to tell if what you are doing is working or not. 

If what you are earning isn’t enough to cover the bills that you have, some drastic changes need to happen. Either you need to really adjust your spending, or you need to earn more money. If you want to learn how I started a blog as a side hustle to earn extra money, click here to read my post on
How To Start Your Own Blog in 2019

What are some ways that you make extra money on the side? I would love to hear your ideas! Leave me a comment below.

Set Realistic Goals

Give yourself a timeline of when you want to achieve your objectives, but try to be realistic. This will take time. It doesn’t happen overnight. If you owe 100,000 on your mortgage for example, setting a goal of paying it off in a year is not realistic if you only earn $50,000 per year. (Unless one of your objectives is to earn a significant amount more per year) You get my drift. 

So lets say you owe $500 on a credit card. Set a budget for yourself on how much you can afford per month to get that card paid off. Maybe give yourself 3-5 months to get it paid off. If you give yourself a timeline, it is easier to see how much progress you are making towards achieving your goal! 

In Conclusion

While going through our expenses was painful and uncomfortable, it forced us to really be honest with how irresponsible our spending habits had become. With the daily craziness that was our life, work, kids, church, school, sports, marriage, house duties, family, endless activities and obligations, we had traded responsibility for convenience. We gave freely and recklessly of both our time, energy, effort and money. 
The road we were going down was a road to disaster and burn out. It was time to slow things down! 
We were spending money as quickly as it came in because we were not being conservative or responsible with our spending. Instead of meal prepping, we were eating out more often or ordering more take out dinners. 

For my husband and I, making a Family Budget was absolutely essential in getting our life organized and back on track! With time and effort you can do it too! I’d love to know some of the things that have held you back from putting a budget together? Leave me a comment below and let me know.

Please note that I am not a certified financial advisor and the information shared on my site is from my own personal experiences. It is important that you consult with the proper legal, tax or financial professional to assist you with your particular financial situation.

Here are some other posts you may like. Check them out and let me know what you think.

Mom Hacks For The New And Not So New Momma

How To Start Your Own Blog in 2019

DIY How To Make a Floor Length Mirror Using a Kreg Pocket Hole Jig

Bible Scriptures on Humbleness & Humility

Bible Scriptures About Worry & Anxiety

The Devil Is a Liar! Battling Spiritual Warfare With the Word of God

Thanks so much for visiting my site!

If you like what you read, leave us a comment and SUBSCRIBE below:

Until Next Time, Let’s Be Perfectly Imperfect Together!

Brenda Cataldo + Perfectly Imperfect Momma + Inspiring Mommas to Build Stronger Lives With Practical Parenting Tips and the Word of God.
Brenda Cataldo + Perfectly Imperfect Momma + Inspiring Mommas to Build Stronger Lives With Practical Parenting Tips and the Word of God.

Mom Hacks For The New And Not So New Momma

Mom HACKS For The New And Not So New Momma. Helpful Tips to make your life easier with kids! #MomHacks #BabyHacks #LifeHacks

There is not one perfect way to parent. Parenting has to work for you and your kids. If you have found a system that fits with your style, keep at it! I have 5 kids ranging in age from 21 months to 21 years old! Every single one of them has been different in their own ways. Here are some helpful Mom Hacks that I have used in my 21 plus years of being a momma. I hope that they can bless you and make things just a little bit easier for you in your daily life.


Mom Hack #1 – Prep Before Each Diaper Change

ALWAYS prepare your diaper, wipes, powder (and change of clothes if needed) before you do a diaper change. This includes for after bath time. When changing your baby’s diaper, the faster you work the better. Getting peed on & pooped on are more easily avoided if you act swiftly. Also the possibility of your little one becoming wiggly and jiggly increase the longer it takes to get him/her changed.

Mom Hack #2 – USE an EXTRA Baby Wipe Folks!

I know that you are trying to save money in these frugal times, but believe me when I say that you do not want to skimp on using an extra wipe to clean up your baby’s bottom. That poop can get pretty acidic and not cleaning thoroughly can cause diaper rashes. You don’t want your baby to suffer through that. USE an EXTRA baby wipe!! Your baby’s bottom will thank you! I like to use Huggies Baby Wipes.  They are nice and thick and don’t break through when wiping up your baby’s business!

Mom Hack #3 – Use Cornstarch Powder After Each Diaper Change

Always put PURE CORNSTARCH baby powder on your baby’s front and back side after each diaper change. This will keep them dry and help to prevent diaper rash.
*DO NOT use talcum powder. There are studies to suggest that talcum powder can cause ovarian cancer.

Mom Hack #4 – Spend the $2.00 Extra For The Name Brand Powder

I’m all for being thrifty and saving a buck where I can, but when it affects the quality, it’s better to spend a little extra. My husband has bought the generic store brand powder a couple times so I can tell you from experience that it gets very frustrating when you can’t twist the lid open. These bottles of powder are going to last you for probably at least 6 weeks. That extra $2.00 breaks down to an extra $0.04 a day. Go For It! SPLURGE! Click Here to buy it from Amazon.

Mom Hack #5- Wrap Up Those Dirty Diapers

ALWAYS  wrap dirty diapers in plastic bags. I even go so far as to wrap number two diapers in not one, but two sandwich size ziploc bags. I also have a handy bag dispenser attached to my diaper bag that has plastic bags in it for when I am on the go. There is nothing worse than smelling several dirty diapers in your inside trash can, or several days old dirty diapers in your outside trash bin. Your neighbors and trash collectors will also thank you!

Mom Hack #6 – Pack a Change of Clothes and Keep on Hand

ALWAYS   Pack a change of clothes for you and baby. If you have older kids that are between 3-6 years old even if they are potty trained, pack them extra clothes too. Sometimes having a new little one can cause kids to regress a bit. Competing for mommy’s and daddy’s attention when there is a newborn can be difficult.

Mom Hack #7 Use Ziploc Bags to Organize Your Diaper Bag

Using Ziploc Bags can keep all your baby supplies easily compartmentalized.

Mom Hack #8 – Order Groceries & Supplies Online

Amazon Prime is my Best Friend!! As often as possible,  order groceries and supplies online and have them delivered, or pick them up at the store. It’s a lot easier to drive up to the pickup zone and have a team member load your groceries than it is to drag your kids through the aisles of the store. Several stores offer outside pick up for your groceries and supplies. Walmart and Target are a couple of stores that offer this service. This will save you so much time and probably money as well! It will certainly save your sanity.

Mom Hack #9 – Use NoseFrida When Baby Gets Stuffed Up

It’s not if, but when your baby gets stuffed up and congested, you will do everything you can to find relief for your little one.  The best and fastest way that I have found in my 21 years of motherhood to get fast relief for congestion is to use a genius invention called The NoseFrida. Click this link to purchase it from Amazon. Seriously guys, this is the best thing ever. Now the concept of it grosses some people out, because you put a tube in your baby’s nose and basically suck the boogies out. I know I know it sounds disgusting,  but rest assured that no snot will make it into your mouth. There is a filter that is attached to the tube that prevents this from happening. TRUST ME when your baby can breathe you will be thanking me for turning you on to this little gadget! You’re welcome

Mom Hack #10 – Use Saline Spray/Drops BEFORE You Use The NoseFrida

Using saline spray before you use the NoseFrida nasal aspirator will help loosen baby’s mucous and get you better results. I use Little Remedies brand Saline Spray / Drops. My kids always hate getting drops put in their nose, and they will fight me every step of the way. It feels like you are being so mean to them, but when you see how much better they can breathe afterwards, all the fuss will be worth it!

Mom Hack #11 – Self Care is a MUST

I will be completely honest. Of all the Mom Hacks, this is probably the one that I struggle with the most. It is so easy to get caught up in your day that you find little time to take care of yourself. But TRUST ME, Self Care is so important not only to your physical health, but also to your mental health! Take a shower, wash your face, brush your teeth,  put on clean clothes, do your hair and makeup if you can. You will feel so much better and be so much more productive!

Mom Hack #12 – Invest In a Good Baby Cradle n’ Swing

Baby swings are pure magic! My kids pretty much lived/slept in their swing for the first 6 months. It was the only way I was able to get time to take a shower, or get anything done. Invest the money and buy a swing that has some good features. It’s great if it is battery powered, but make sure that it also has an A/C power cord as a backup! You don’t want to have to always buy batteries to keep this baby going. Also get one that has multiple positions and speeds available. A mobile and mirror to keep baby distracted is also a big plus. This is definitely an item you want to put on your registration!

Mom Hack #13 – Sleep When Baby Is Sleeping

Seriously. Maybe not always, but in the early days and weeks, sleep when your baby is sleeping. This isn’t necessary once you have establish a sleep routine that works for you, but in the beginning,  it is better to conserve as much energy as possible.  Being a sleep deprived momma is not fun!

Mom Hack #14 – Keep Extra Plastic Bags In The Car

You know all those grocery store bags that you always have too many of? Keep like 5-10 of them in your car. You never know when you might need one. I’ve used them to put garbage in when  I quickly do a trash sweep..cuz you know our cars get trashed with little ones. They have also come in handy for a dirty diaper,  or dirty/wet clothes. The possibilities are endless.

Mom Hack #15 – Keep an Empty Wide Rimmed Bottle Handy

Now this Mom Hack is for when baby gets older, but my husband insisted that I needed to share this because it has saved us so many times! Haha! If you have boys and you are potty training,  always keep an empty wide rimmed bottle on hand especially in the car. What are you going to use a wide rimmed bottle for you ask? Yup you guessed it, a portable toilet! When faced with the choice of pee all over the car seat, or pee into a bottle, my choice is the bottle every time. (Washing your car seat is a pain in the butt!) You gotta do what you gotta do. I like bottles from Bai or Gatorade. Sometimes you just can’t make it to the toilet in time and there is no bush in site for your little guy to discreetly pee into.

I hope that you have enjoyed these Mom Hacks and that you can use some in your day to day. What are some of your favorite Mom Hacks or Tips & Advice? I would love to know! Leave me a comment below. Even though I have been doing this mom thing for quite a while, I am always learning new little things to make my house and life run smoother.

Here are some other posts you may like. Check them out.

Creating a Family Budget & Getting Your Finances Under Control

How To Start Your Own Blog in 2019

DIY How To Make a Floor Length Mirror Using a Kreg Pocket Hole Jig

Bible Scriptures on Humbleness & Humility

Bible Scriptures About Worry & Anxiety

The Devil Is a Liar! Battling Spiritual Warfare With the Word of God

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Until Next Time, Let’s Be Perfectly Imperfect Together!

Brenda Cataldo + Perfectly Imperfect Momma + Inspiring Mommas to Build Stronger Lives With Practical Parenting Tips and the Word of God.
Brenda Cataldo + Perfectly Imperfect Momma + Inspiring Mommas to Build Stronger Lives With Practical Parenting Tips and the Word of God.

Bible Scriptures on Humbleness & Humility

20+ Bible Scriptures About Humility

What does being humble mean to you?

This is what the Word of God has to say about it.

James 4:10 (NIV) New International Version

10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

Ephesians 4:2 (NIV) New International Version

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

Colossians 3:12 (NIV) New International Version

12 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

James 4:6 (NIV) New International Version

But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says:

“God opposes the proud
    but shows favor to the humble.”

1 Peter 5:5 (NIV) New International Version

In the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because,

“God opposes the proud
    but shows favor to the humble.”

2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV) New International Version

14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Luke 14:11 (NIV) New International Version

11 For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” 

Micah 6:8 (NIV) New International Version

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
    And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
    and to walk humbly with your God.

Proverbs 3:34 (NIV) New International Version

34 He mocks proud mockers
    but shows favor to the humble and oppressed. 

Proverbs 11:2 (NIV) New International Version

When pride comes, then comes disgrace,
    but with humility comes wisdom.

Proverbs 12:15 (NIV) New International Version

15 The way of fools seems right to them,
    but the wise listen to advice. 

Proverbs 15:33 (NIV) New International Version

33 Wisdom’s instruction is to fear the Lord,
    and humility comes before honor. 

Proverbs 18:12 (NIV) New International Version

12 Before a downfall the heart is haughty,
    but humility comes before honor. 

Proverbs 22:4 (NIV) New International Version

Humility is the fear of the Lord;
    its wages are riches and honor and life. 

Proverbs 27:2 (NIV) New International Version

Let someone else praise you, and not your own mouth;
    an outsider, and not your own lips. 

Psalm 25:9 (NIV) New International Version

He guides the humble in what is right
    and teaches them his way. 

Psalm 149:4 (NIV) New International Version

For the Lord takes delight in his people;
    he crowns the humble with victory. 

Romans 12:3 (NIV) New International Version

Humble Service in the Body of Christ

For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you. 

Romans 12:16 (NIV) New International Version

16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. 

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 (NIV) New International Version

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships,in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 

Philippians 2:3-4  (NIV) New International Version

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

Matthew 23:10-12 (NIV) New International Version

10 Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one Instructor, the Messiah. 11 The greatest among you will be your servant. 12 For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

James 4:14-16 (NIV) New International Version

14 Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.15 Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.” 16 As it is, you boast in your arrogant schemes. All such boasting is evil. 

Philippians 2:5-8  (NIV) New International Version

In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:

Who, being in very nature God,
    did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;
rather, he made himself nothing
    by taking the very nature of a servant,
    being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man,
    he humbled himself
    by becoming obedient to death—
        even death on a cross!

Here are some other posts you may like. Check them out.

Creating a Family Budget & Getting Your Finances Under Control

Mom Hacks For The New And Not So New Momma

How To Start Your Own Blog in 2019

DIY How To Make a Floor Length Mirror Using a Kreg Pocket Hole Jig

Bible Scriptures on Humbleness & Humility

Bible Scriptures About Worry & Anxiety

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Until Next Time, Let’s be Perfectly Imperfect Together!

Brenda Cataldo + Perfectly Imperfect Momma + Inspiring Mommas to Build Stronger Lives With Practical Parenting Tips and the Word of God.
Brenda Cataldo + Perfectly Imperfect Momma + Inspiring Mommas to Build Stronger Lives With Practical Parenting Tips and the Word of God.

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Perfectly Imperfect Momma

Welcome to my blog Perfectly Imperfect Momma. My name is Brenda Cataldo and I am so happy that you are here. I am a Wife & Momma of 5 kiddos as well as a licensed Realtor, Entrepreneur and Blogger. I want to share my experiences with you on how I juggle my oftentimes hectic life while still maintaining my sanity.

I’ll give you a hint… JESUS & Coffee!

Life gets busy. Life gets messy. Sometime our kids don’t take naps and may have a meltdown as a result. Our life is not perfect. But it is Perfectly Imperfect, and we wouldn’t have it any other way!

#BrendaCataldo #PerfectlyImperfectMomma
Brenda Cataldo – Mom + Wife + Entrepreneur + Blogger + Perfectly Imperfect Momma

Stay tuned for lots of fun adventures with me and my husband Mickey and our amazing kids! We love to laugh, play outside and enjoy all that our life offers us. Plus be on the look out because we always have a fun D.I.Y project going on.


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